define('INSTALLFILE', 'installationForm.php'); define('CONFIGFILE', 'formConfiguration.php'); define('FORMFILE', 'contactForm.htm'); define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); error_reporting(E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR); $install_complete = 'OK, Installation complete.

Visit your form.

To reinstall, delete the file: ' . CONFIGFILE . ' then run this installer again.'; if (file_exists(ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE)) { echo $install_complete; exit(0); } $fields = array( "EMAIL", "SUBJECT", "TYPE", "USESMTP", "HOST", "USER", "PASS", "PORT", "USESMTP", "USERECAPTCHA", "SITEKEY", "PRIVATEKEY", "USEGDPR"); $config_template = ' Form {RECAPTCHASCRIPT}
Contact Form
'; $error_strings = array(); if (isset($_POST['EMAIL'])) { installForm($config_template, $form_template, $install_complete, $fields); exit(); } function installForm($config_template, $form_template, $install_complete, $fields) { global $error_strings; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE)) { setDefaults($fields); $search = getSearch($fields); $replace = getReplace($fields); createFile($search, $replace, $config_template, ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE); $search = array("{RECAPTCHASCRIPT}", "{RECAPTCHASITEKEY}"); $replace = array(" ", " "); if (isset($_POST['USERECAPTCHA']) && $_POST['USERECAPTCHA'] == "yes") { $replace = array( '', '
'); } if(isset($_POST['USEGDPR']) && $_POST['USEGDPR'] == "yes") { $search[] = "{GDPR_ROW}"; $replace[] = '
I agree to be contacted in response to my message
'; $search[] = "{jsValidator}"; $replace[] = "formValidatorConsent"; } else { $search[] = "{GDPR_ROW}"; $replace[] = " "; $search[] = "{jsValidator}"; $replace[] = "formValidator"; } createFile($search, $replace, $form_template, ABSPATH . FORMFILE); } if (count($error_strings) > 0) { echo "Number of errors: ".count($error_strings)."
"; foreach ($error_strings as $es) { echo "$es
"; } } else { echo $install_complete; } } function createFile($search, $replace, $template, $filename) { global $error_strings; $file_contents = str_replace($search, $replace, $template); if (!$handler = fopen($filename, "wb")) { $error = true; } else { if (!fwrite($handler, trim($file_contents))) { $error = true; } fclose($handler); } if($error) { $viewable_code = nl2br(str_replace("<", "<", $file_contents)); $error_strings[] = "Cannot write your file to: $filename - Please change the directory permissions to allow write access.

If you prefer, you can create the file using the code below:

" . $viewable_code . "

Save the above code to a new file at: $filename"; } } function setDefaults($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!isset($_POST[$field])) { $_POST[$field] = ""; } } } function getSearch($fields) { $search = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $search[] = '{' . $field . '}'; } return $search; } function getReplace($fields) { $replace = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $replace[] = $_POST[$field]; } return $replace; } ?> Installation Form
Installation Form
define('INSTALLFILE', 'installationForm.php'); define('CONFIGFILE', 'formConfiguration.php'); define('FORMFILE', 'contactForm.htm'); define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); error_reporting(E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR); $install_complete = 'OK, Installation complete.

Visit your form.

To reinstall, delete the file: ' . CONFIGFILE . ' then run this installer again.'; if (file_exists(ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE)) { echo $install_complete; exit(0); } $fields = array( "EMAIL", "SUBJECT", "TYPE", "USESMTP", "HOST", "USER", "PASS", "PORT", "USESMTP", "USERECAPTCHA", "SITEKEY", "PRIVATEKEY", "USEGDPR"); $config_template = ' Form {RECAPTCHASCRIPT}
Contact Form
'; $error_strings = array(); if (isset($_POST['EMAIL'])) { installForm($config_template, $form_template, $install_complete, $fields); exit(); } function installForm($config_template, $form_template, $install_complete, $fields) { global $error_strings; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE)) { setDefaults($fields); $search = getSearch($fields); $replace = getReplace($fields); createFile($search, $replace, $config_template, ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE); $search = array("{RECAPTCHASCRIPT}", "{RECAPTCHASITEKEY}"); $replace = array(" ", " "); if (isset($_POST['USERECAPTCHA']) && $_POST['USERECAPTCHA'] == "yes") { $replace = array( '', '
'); } if(isset($_POST['USEGDPR']) && $_POST['USEGDPR'] == "yes") { $search[] = "{GDPR_ROW}"; $replace[] = '
I agree to be contacted in response to my message
'; $search[] = "{jsValidator}"; $replace[] = "formValidatorConsent"; } else { $search[] = "{GDPR_ROW}"; $replace[] = " "; $search[] = "{jsValidator}"; $replace[] = "formValidator"; } createFile($search, $replace, $form_template, ABSPATH . FORMFILE); } if (count($error_strings) > 0) { echo "Number of errors: ".count($error_strings)."
"; foreach ($error_strings as $es) { echo "$es
"; } } else { echo $install_complete; } } function createFile($search, $replace, $template, $filename) { global $error_strings; $file_contents = str_replace($search, $replace, $template); if (!$handler = fopen($filename, "wb")) { $error = true; } else { if (!fwrite($handler, trim($file_contents))) { $error = true; } fclose($handler); } if($error) { $viewable_code = nl2br(str_replace("<", "<", $file_contents)); $error_strings[] = "Cannot write your file to: $filename - Please change the directory permissions to allow write access.

If you prefer, you can create the file using the code below:

" . $viewable_code . "

Save the above code to a new file at: $filename"; } } function setDefaults($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!isset($_POST[$field])) { $_POST[$field] = ""; } } } function getSearch($fields) { $search = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $search[] = '{' . $field . '}'; } return $search; } function getReplace($fields) { $replace = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $replace[] = $_POST[$field]; } return $replace; } ?> Installation Form
Installation Form
define('INSTALLFILE', 'installationForm.php'); define('CONFIGFILE', 'formConfiguration.php'); define('FORMFILE', 'contactForm.htm'); define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); error_reporting(E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR); $install_complete = 'OK, Installation complete.

Visit your form.

To reinstall, delete the file: ' . CONFIGFILE . ' then run this installer again.'; if (file_exists(ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE)) { echo $install_complete; exit(0); } $fields = array( "EMAIL", "SUBJECT", "TYPE", "USESMTP", "HOST", "USER", "PASS", "PORT", "USESMTP", "USERECAPTCHA", "SITEKEY", "PRIVATEKEY", "USEGDPR"); $config_template = ' Form {RECAPTCHASCRIPT}
Contact Form
'; $error_strings = array(); if (isset($_POST['EMAIL'])) { installForm($config_template, $form_template, $install_complete, $fields); exit(); } function installForm($config_template, $form_template, $install_complete, $fields) { global $error_strings; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE)) { setDefaults($fields); $search = getSearch($fields); $replace = getReplace($fields); createFile($search, $replace, $config_template, ABSPATH . CONFIGFILE); $search = array("{RECAPTCHASCRIPT}", "{RECAPTCHASITEKEY}"); $replace = array(" ", " "); if (isset($_POST['USERECAPTCHA']) && $_POST['USERECAPTCHA'] == "yes") { $replace = array( '', '
'); } if(isset($_POST['USEGDPR']) && $_POST['USEGDPR'] == "yes") { $search[] = "{GDPR_ROW}"; $replace[] = '
I agree to be contacted in response to my message
'; $search[] = "{jsValidator}"; $replace[] = "formValidatorConsent"; } else { $search[] = "{GDPR_ROW}"; $replace[] = " "; $search[] = "{jsValidator}"; $replace[] = "formValidator"; } createFile($search, $replace, $form_template, ABSPATH . FORMFILE); } if (count($error_strings) > 0) { echo "Number of errors: ".count($error_strings)."
"; foreach ($error_strings as $es) { echo "$es
"; } } else { echo $install_complete; } } function createFile($search, $replace, $template, $filename) { global $error_strings; $file_contents = str_replace($search, $replace, $template); if (!$handler = fopen($filename, "wb")) { $error = true; } else { if (!fwrite($handler, trim($file_contents))) { $error = true; } fclose($handler); } if($error) { $viewable_code = nl2br(str_replace("<", "<", $file_contents)); $error_strings[] = "Cannot write your file to: $filename - Please change the directory permissions to allow write access.

If you prefer, you can create the file using the code below:

" . $viewable_code . "

Save the above code to a new file at: $filename"; } } function setDefaults($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!isset($_POST[$field])) { $_POST[$field] = ""; } } } function getSearch($fields) { $search = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $search[] = '{' . $field . '}'; } return $search; } function getReplace($fields) { $replace = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $replace[] = $_POST[$field]; } return $replace; } ?> Installation Form
Installation Form

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